Am I the only person who thinks Britney Spears' video for 'Hold It Against Me' is pretty rubbish?
Britney - Check.
Bad, straggly hair extensions - Check.
Non-Energetic dance routine on her part - Check.
Looks better than when she was mashing up cars with brollies - Check.
I don't know, she just seems dead behind the eyes, almost like I feel at this stage in my life (soon to be rectified, hopefully). Where is the panting of 'Slave 4 U'? The oomph of 'Stronger'? The sheer sexiness of the 'Toxic' music video? M.I.A apparently. When she's floating about in that white wedding dress thing, it is as if a giant doily has come to life and sprouted human parts.
What happened? FEDERDEATH. |
DO NOT ENJOY. Sorry Britney, but as well as a 'meh' video you've presented us with an average, at best, song which doesn't seem to have a proper chorus structure.
Meh Meh and Meh.