Rihanna closes her 6th studio album with the pounding beat of epic ballad 'Farewell'. If this is a literal, but temporary, goodbye from the Bajan sex nuke then it can only be labeled "well earned". Reaching album number 6 in as many years is an impressive feat, yet it's one which concerned many as the world seemed to go under a Rihanna tidal wave. Thankfully, Talk That Talk doesn't disappoint after its predecessor Loud racked up 7million+ sales world wide, stole heaps of critical acclaim and produced a sold out world tour. This is a feisty r'n'b romp, with lots of cheek and charm and some really satisfying cuts.
Notorious B.I.G sampler, 'Talk That Talk' is a brilliant song, with Jay Z opening up the classic sounding r'n'b track and Rihanna kicking into a catchy as hell chorus, "One and two and a three and four/Come on let me know if you want some more/You know what I like/Now get right/Boy talk that talk to me all night/...love it when you talk that talk to me yeah". This is the first instance of where the rasp of Rated R shows its welcome face.