This scenario reminds me of the Loud release, when the immense dance floor behemoth 'Only Girl (In the World)' was followed by a mid tempo, West Indian flavoured hook fest. Lead single 'We Found Love' is a huge, summery dance hit and now with 'You Da One' we have a more chill reggae-ish r'n'b effort. "You Da One that I think about all day-ay-ay", Rihanna sings in her ohsoaddictive Bajan tones, harking back to the "eh-eh-eh" of 'Umbrella' and the kettle drum beats of 'What's My Name?'. It's not as instantly brilliant as WMN or 'Man Down', but it's a relief to know that there is some classic sounding Ri on the upcoming TTT. WIth a few more plays this will become one of the catchiest tunes this winter.
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