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6 May 2012

Rated Roundup: Cheryl/Tulisa/Rita

She's back and she forgot her trousers!
Something horrendous has happened... I like Cheryl Cole and Tulisa's new singles. I'm distressed as I dance around the flat singing '...when you call my name' at the top of my voice. My poor neighbours, no wonder they moved out. Anyway, here's another roundup of singles for your audio pleasure/displeasure, including those two dirties above:

1. Cheryl Cole - Call My Name

So she's back, her way back into the spotlight after a much needed hiatus (much needed for us, not her). I won't lie, I liked 'Fight For This Love' and 'Promise This' because they were nothing more than fun coated, sticky sugary pop. Now with 'Call My Name' she's teamed up with Calvin Harris to create a song that sounds suspiciously similar to his behemoth Rihanna hit 'We Found Love'. It's got the same summery tone and a very similar structure, but it's completely different, right? Anyway, that aside, this is a pretty damn good pop song and I won't deny ol' tarty chops her place at number 1. Since I'm the chart controller.


2. Tulisa - Young
Another one who's thrown me into turmoil with her new single. 'Young' is a well timed dance number about the foolery of youth and how it is an excuse for making silly mistakes and trashing art shows (or giving a guy a blow job on camera, badly). 'Forgive me for what I have done, cos I'm young, Yeah I'm young', sings a vocally impressive Tulisa. It's not perfect though. The Calvin Harris esque build up-dance explosion is fun but not as good as that which it seems to mimic and the repetitive title line gets a bit tiresome. It's just silly pop at the end of the day, so let's not take it too seriously.


3. Rita Ora - R.I.P
First coming to our attention on DJ Fresh's number one hit 'Hot Right Now', Rita Ora caused some confusion as the 'girl who copies Rihanna's blonde hair'. Somehow I don't think hair colour is something attributable to being a rip off, so let's just sack that notion now. 'R.I.P' is her first solo outing and it's pretty awesome. Her voice sounds great, the production is solid (although I'm a bit bored of the dubsteppy sound that's on everything right now) and I can't get enough of the panting bridge segment. For a debut single this is as good as it gets.


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