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17 Feb 2013

Rated: 'Scream & Shout' - Remix

Right, for some unfathomable reason to make a shit load more money Will.I.AM has decided to team up with Britney (not that she had to contribute anything more than her shoddy English-accent inspired vocals) again for a remix of their mega hit 'Scream & Shout', only this time PDiddy is on board along with some other rapper people who are probably quite famous but I don't care about.

I've listened to it a few times and I can't hear a 'It's Britney Bitch' line anywhere... cardinal sin of pop. Although PDiddy does slam down a lot of 'Turn it up bitch', whether this be to Britney or not I'm not sure. It's a pointless remix of a pretty pointless song. As much as I would dance to this in a club and I would dance to anything after 3 margaritas, this is even more annoying and a lot less infectious than the original mix.



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