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25 Feb 2014

Shakira - Empire Review

That song she did with Rihanna, can't remember its name, was pretty shit. Let's all just stand up and admit it, it was not the single we expected or hoped for from two of the world's most lucrative pop stars. It certainly grows on you, but so do warts. Thankfully it had a steamy video with lots of ass gyrating and lower back arching and even a little lesbian erotica. 

So when Empire was announced I really wanted to hate it, with every ounce of my being. Well fuck me; it's actually quite good. Not far off Bond theme territory, this is an epic power anthem with hints of Alanis Morissette & Coldplay. It's not the song of 2014, even though the finale is pretty incredible, but it is one of the most distinct songs we've heard from Shakira in a long time and it serves as a great way to forget its star power driven predecessor piece of pish.


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