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27 Oct 2013

Rated: Lady Gaga - Venus Review

'Venus' is rammed with electronic synths, robotic vocal tweaks, & so many pop theatrics that it's hard to focus on the lyrical content of the song itself. It's certainly random and it's definitely camp. The verses are quirky but the lyricism is to its own detriment; it just doesn't stick. There's a pleasant enough chorus, but it's just not enough. Even the chorus can't save 'Venus' from falling into wacky 'album track' territory and the song ignites concern that her upcoming collection ARTPOP is going to be just a bit too silly to match up to the quality pop of her past. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this is as shit as the new music gets. Crossed really fucking tight.


1 comment :

  1. In this case, she was smart enough to release Do What You Want as sec single.
