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21 Nov 2014

Beyoncé's 7/11 & Ring Off

2 New Shit Tracks
There was brief excitement that Beyoncé might release a new album before Christmas, a year on from her incredible eponymous collection which debuted overnight without anyone knowing. It was/is her best album to date and to be honest, surpassing the quality of the record is going to be pretty tough. The excitement was quelled when it was announced that no, we would not receive a new album, rather a repackage of said amazing album from 2013. Now, I fucking hate a repackage. I think it's lazy. I think it's a cheap and easy way for an artist to charge full price for an album they've already released 12 months previously. I think it's unimaginitive and quite frankly a waste of time. So Beyoncé I do not support this lazy ass pre Christmas money maker.

The repackage comes with two new songs, '7/11' and 'Ring Off'. Here's what I think and thus what you should think...

This is quite rightfully not included on the original track listing of Beyoncé because it's quite very shit. The production is courtesy of Detail, the same guy who co-produced the incredible 'Drunk In Love'. '7/11' is actually such a state I don't know how to review it. The easiest way to do it is to compare it with its most similar paced track '***Flawless' which was awesome and this isn't.  She closes the track with the repetition of the lyric "I'm fresher than you", which is funny really considering how rotten the song is. Hopefully 'Ring Off' is better. 1 / 5

Ring Off
This doesn't fit in with the dark, sultry flow of Beyoncé but is instantly not as shit as '7/11'. It's about a divorce, taking "that ring off" because you're tired of lies, cheating and other such things that may send you into the loins of your gardener. It's backed by summery beats and Bey's vocals are pretty solid. It's not bad, but it's not Beyoncé  and that just really won't do. WILL IT? 2 / 5

So overall, Beyoncé, you really ballsed up. Which is nice, because not everyone is perfect... but you should be.

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