When Fleur East finished second to Ben Where Haenow in the 2014 Xfactor final I wasn't as angry as I thought I would be. I expected sparks to fly from the foot shaped hole in the flat screen, but it remained unscathed. The format has a habit of crowning winning failures and its eliminated alumni surpass the performances of their vocal chord stretching assailants (ref. Rebecca Ferguson). I knew, when that silver medal was handed over (there are no medals), that this was in fact a win for Fleur's future in the music business and going by how amazing she is as a pop star in training, a win for pop fans all over.
Now she's finally here, with her first ever single 'Sax' in tow. Lifted from her upcoming debut album Love, Sax and Flashbacks, it's a euphoric brass explosion, bursting with sass, snappy verses and a breakdown Mark Ronson would be proud to call his own. It's certainly reflective of 'Uptown Funk', a song Fleur actually put on the map (kind of), but the similarity isn't an issue when it's such a brilliant result. It'll be interesting to see if this is a one off success, because it will be a success. I really hope it is a sign of great things to come though.
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