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1 Feb 2012

Rated 'Stronger'

It's pretty impressive for an artist to be around as long as Kelly Clarkson has and still to be popping out brilliant pop tunes. It's even more impressive that, as a reality tv contestant, the big voice babe has managed to survive in the industry with such longevity and popularity. With anthemic songs like 'Since U Been Gone' and 'My Life Would Suck Without You', I didn't expect many more belters, particularly as she kind of fell of the music map for a few years. 

New single 'What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)' is proper pop mammoth. It starts off pretty light, but when the chorus kicks in things get BIG. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger/stand a little taller/doesn't mean I'm lonely cos I'm alone..." KC blasts in her finest melodious roar. If any song is going to stick in your head this February it's this one.



  1. This song is nothing compared to 'Dark Side' from the album! Rate the album bitch - Dark Side and Honestly are just fab! Off to KLM! X
